4 Quotes & Sayings By Angela Lam (Turpin)

Angela Lam was born and raised in Hong Kong. She is a gifted meditation instructor who has been teaching meditation since the late 90s. She is also an author, poet, and an accomplished artist. Her books include: Afterlife: What Happens After We Die; The Art of Meditation; Angels & Demons: Listening To Intention & Understanding The Angels, Angels Among Us; and her latest novel: My Son's Secret Read more

Angela lives in Texas with her husband and two children.

She wondered which was worse–living your whole life staring at yourself or waiting your whole life for someone to stare back at you. Angela Lam (Turpin)
Marriage is like a fingerprint. Everyone's is different. Angela Lam (Turpin)
One person's greatest regret is another person's greatest memory. Angela Lam (Turpin)